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Monday, July 23, 2012

Waiting on my floors

My (our) classroom is being used for summer school which means the floors cannot be waxed until the end of this week. I'm itching to get in there and start working and preparing for this year! :) Until then, I've been gathering some ideas and resources. As you know, my team teacher and I are using a Hollywood/movie theme in our classroom. I wasn't so sure about the idea at first, but the more I thought about it, I realized that we could take serious advantage of "rehearsals" and "performances". (Oh yes...that REALLY means practice and assessments) And we all know that acting, singing and dancing require full engagement! :) ...sigh... I can't wait to spend the year with my students again. I'm so blessed to be able to loop up with my kiddos! ::focus Martha:: Anway, I wanted to share some of the things I've made to get ready for the year. Since we are dealing with a team teaching situation, we are going to rely on class jobs to alleviate some of the responsibility. And lets be honest, for the most part, it seems that my students have a better memory than I do! ;) I'd be lost if I didn't have 18 (now 36) pairs of eyes helping me find my classroom keys. To go with our Hollywood theme I used clapboard as job labels. I was able to think of 24 jobs for the labels, and we are going to have 6 team leaders and 6 supply managers,so that means a job for everyone! ::whew::
Again, once my floors are waxed, I can post pictures of how our job chart looks in our room. We are in the process of leveling our classroom library. I never realized how many books can fit on these shelves! I almost blurted the dreaded phrase, "We have too many books," but according to Rudyard Kipling, you can never have to many books. Looks like we don't have enough space... :/ As we're leveling our books, I was thinking of purchasing some leveled library stickers (on sale at but I was struggling with trying to keep to a theme, so I made these blank Hollywood-themed stickers.
They can be printed on sticker paper and punched with a circle or scalloped craft punch. I'm planning on labeling the books with their reading level and genre. Here is the birthday bulletin board set to go along with our theme. There is a star-shaped monthly heading and the the student names and birth dates will hang below the corresponding star.
I'm going to glue the tickets onto fishing line to hang under the stars. The moment I step into my freshly cleaned and waxed classroom I will snap pictures to post. I hope all my teacher friends enjoy this week with their families! The summer is passing quickly.

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