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Monday, July 30, 2012



This weekend has been chaotic, magical, stressful (the good kind), and therapeutic...

We just had a family reunion!

Here is a photo of my paternal great-grandparents and their children (one of which is my grandpa). It's amazing to have so many family members gathered in one place. I had a blast! My favorite part was when my 5 year old asked me, "Mom, how do you know all these people?"

10 minutes and one very long explanation later, I'm sure he regretted asking me. :)

Oh, yes. Speaking of my son, I wanted to introduce my family to the blog world. My husband, Pauly, and I have been married for 6 years. He is the kindest, most loving person I've ever known. He is a driven small business owner, even in a struggling economy. He makes me laugh...a lot. And he listens to all my crazy teacher stories and ideas. I'm so blessed to have his unwavering support in anything I do. And trust me--I have some crazy ideas.

We've been blessed with two beautiful boys. Pablo just turned 5 in June. We call him our little professor as he is filled with an ever-growing bank of knowledge and facts. He's painfully shy and observant. And his current kick is knock-knock jokes and Hot Wheels. :)

Our youngest, Eduardo or Eddie, is three years old and he's the same height as our five year old! He was 23 inches when he was born and he has yet to land on the height/weight chart! :) He has the most enchanting smile--which is great because it gets him out of all the trouble he gets into.

Thanks for learning a little about my family. I wanted everyone to be able to put a face with a name if I ever have a story. ;) I've been truly blessed--beyond measure.


  1. You have a beautiful family - thanks for sharing! And I remember the knock-knock jokes phase!

    Oh, How Pintearesting!

  2. Thank you, I love them. <3

    I bought him a knock-knock joke book and he loves it! :)

  3. Hi...I just found your blog and am now a follower. I'd love for you to visit back and check out my blog (and enter my giveaway, if you'd like).
    Adventures In Teaching

  4. Thanks, Amy! I'm glad you're following! Heading over now...

  5. Hi! Just found you through the blog hop, what a beautiful family you have! =) Stop by sometime:
